Hi there! I’m Sydney and 2021 has been a journey to say the least! I have gone from a complicated pregnancy to a NICU preemie and currently battling the C word all in less than 6 months! I am sharing my journey on everything from new mom life, NICU stories, and behind the scenes of what cancer at 23 years old truly looks like. I try my best to be as transparent as possible with a positive outlook so read along to get the insight of the chaos chronicles.
Background: I graduated with my B.S in Business Management in 2019 and married my husband, Austin, a few months later. We welcomed our sweet baby boy in February 2021 and have been on a wild ride ever since. When we aren’t going to doctors appointments we are sun bums at heart. I am firm believer that a little bit of sunshine and salty air can help even the hardest of days. Before all of this I was a fitness junkie and loved anything cardio but my heart always belonged to my favorite spin studio. I think that life is all about balance so fitness sometimes means fit-this- taco and margartia in my mouth.
I am always happy to answer any questions regarding any of this so please feel free to reach out and ask! Cancer isn’t something people like to talk about so it isn’t something people really know about and I want to break that wall down. Let’s get to sharing!